Wisepal can reduce your monthly expenses. Hassle-Free.
Join thousands of people who've already reduced their expenses
Just one click to connect your email and see how much you can save.
WisePal will automatically search only for monthly bills so it can match their terms for a lower cost.
(Same email used for monthly bills)
By clicking the "sign up" button,
I agree to Wisepal's terms of use, and privacy policy.
Join thousands of people who've already reduced their expenses
WisePal smart software finds the services and products you are currently subscribed to and suggests the same products at a lower price from other trusted providers.
WisePal scans your product/service terms and agreements to create an apples-to-apples savings comparison- so you keep the benefits but at a lower price.
When you find the savings you love, we'll handle the switch for you. No hassle. No fighting with retention departments.
*Some products require sensitive information so we can’t complete 100% of the process for you. But, we do our best to ensure switching is as effortless for you as possible.
Every time you switch, WisePal will send you a pre-paid gift card that you can use almost anywhere!
*For some products, such as insurance, we don't provide gift cards due to legal restrictions.
WisePal will never sell your data and only searches for monthly bill information
Trust standards are approved by NCC Group. WisePal is going through an annual security check by NCC Group to ensure we use the highest security standards
End-to-end, Wisepal is completely free